Wednesday 15 May 2013

Unit 6: Growth of Cities and Trade

What were three major innovations in agriculture during the Middle Ages and how did they help?
What is a burg and why were they built?
What is a bourgeoisie and who who is included in this group?
What was the role of the bourgeoisie in Medieval society?
What is a town charter?
What is a Bill of Exchange?

Unit 5: Christianization in the West

When did the Middle Ages happen?
Role or influence of the Church in the Middle Ages on:
1) The daily lives of the people
2) Royalty
3) Values
4) Science and Education

What is a fief and how were they run?
Know the Feudal hierarchy and know what the responsibilities of each group in it.
What were pilgrimages and what were the crusades?

Friday 10 May 2013

Unit 3: First Experience of Democracy

Know the overview of Athens in the 5th century

Know the different political systems

Describe the political life in Athens in the 5th century B.C.

Unit 2: The Emergence of Civilization

What are the characteristics of a civilization?

Know the Mesopotamian Civilization.

Compare the Mesopotamian, Egyptian, and Chinese civilizations.

How did writing influence the Mesopotamian Civilization.

Unit 1: Sedentarization

What are the consequences of Sedentarization?

What tools were used during the Neolithic and Palaeolithic time period?

Explain how people evolved from a Nomadic to a Sedentary lifestyle.

Unit 10: Power-Point

Unit 4: Roman Empire

1) What period (era) in history did the Roman Empire exist?

2) In what area of the world did the Roman empire begin? How far did it expand before it fell?

3) What issues did Romans have with Christianity?

4) Which Roman emperor finally accepted Christianity? When?

5) A number of factors led to the decline of the Roman empire, what were they?

6) How was the Colosseum and the circus a means of control in the Roman empire?

7) What types of problems existed within the Roman empire due to its size?

8) How did the Roman State impose itself on the peoples of the Empire?


Jeopardy website

The Cool List

1) My Favourite student and My Favourite student
2) My Favourite student and My Favourite student
3) My Favourite student and My Favourite student
4) My Favourite student and My Favourite student
5) My Favourite student and My Favourite student
6) My Favourite student and My Favourite student
7) My Favourite student and My Favourite student
8) My Favourite student and My Favourite student
9) My Favourite student and My Favourite student
10) My Favourite student and My Favourite student